Happy 2019!

Auld Lang Syne.


I don’t think that anyone knows,                                                                                                    the words to this Fucking song,
but this is the internet so who gives a flying fu*k?
So just  pretend and hum along,                                                                                                            For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
oh, look there’s  meme of Mueller faking to jail Donald Trump,
for auld lang syne.
And Liz (Pocahontas, his words not mine) Warren will run in 2020!
but the party will pick Beto O’Rourke!
Oh, unknown meteor come and destroy humanity,
for auld lang syne.

auld Lang Syne–Jack edit 2019.©

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682 Responses to Happy 2019!

  1. Fancy Jack says:

    Sorry MS I fell asleep while we were discussing the finer points as to why the Dems suck, they really do you know? 😀

  2. bebe says:

    The contrasting styles of Arizona’s new senators seem to become clearer with every step they take.

    On Thursday, U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, a Democrat, took her ceremonial oath of office using a copy of the Constitution rather than a religious book, as most members usually do.

    By contrast, U.S. Sen. Martha McSally, a Republican, took her oath using a Bible recovered from the USS Arizona, which sank during the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

    Sinema’s move, while legally irrelevant, may only heighten speculation that she is an atheist.

    Vice President Mike Pence ended Sinema’s oath with the usual words, “so help you God?” Sinema responded, “I do.” Afterward, he noted that he looked forward to working with her in the Senate.

    Officially, Sinema identifies herself as religiously unaffiliated, and is the only member of the House or Senate to do so, according to the Pew Research Center for Religion and Public Life.

  3. Fancy Jack says:

    Well, at least today was my last busy day until Feb.

  4. MSolomon2 says:

    We Know Nothing and It’s Good: Advice from So Sad Today
    Maybe death is not twisted and horrifying? What if it’s a full-time orgasmic bliss suspended in light?

    I got kinda excited about this little “article”, saw a snippet, someone who understands my life-long existential angst!?!, JOY! But unfortunately no answers… no one has any, anywhere, ever….

    • Fancy Jack says:

      All we are is thinking, not in all cases, blood sausages, waiting for the frying pan. I guess my existential crisis came when I was about 9 or 10 and realized one thing, that the only reason I went to church was cuz I wanted to boink the redheaded girl I knew since we were in 3rd grade, and that even IF there was a G-d, there isn’t, he ( it’s always a HE unless you’re some kind of Wiccan) would be perfect and the shit that happens here on earth while we are wearing our skin casings mean nothing…if we are “SAVED” we are all SAVED even the real monsters, even Trump. Ok, that’s more than one thing.

  5. MSolomon2 says:

    The US economy has been exposed for what it is — a complete facade
    Business Insider
    The Wizard of Oz unveiled. The stock market has been on a wild ride as the Fed has begun to unwind its balance sheet. The US economy entering a recession next year is likely, and if that’s the case this bear market in stocks is only 50% done, at best. The Fed is over-reached.

    something Murican a façade, NO! say it isn’t so! Figures now that my company 401K finally operating it’ll all go to $hit!

  6. MSolomon2 says:

    The US Government Has Always Been a Tool of Greedy Corporations
    It didn’t start with Ronald Reagan or even Republicans. (but they turned it into an obscene art-form)

  7. MSolomon2 says:

    House Democrats unveil bill to obtain Trump’s tax returns, put checks on White House
    The bill would also significantly expand public financing for elections and give authorities more resources to investigate foreign agents who lobby in the United States.

    and it’ll go nowhere because the reich-wingers will protect “dear-leader”, and even if they didn’t “the establishment” dems already have decided to kow-tow to austerity and can’t pay for anything with their paygo b.s. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/3/18165261/paygo-house-democrats-progressives-medicare

  8. MSolomon2 says:

    Cartoon: The Year in Lies

  9. MSolomon2 says:

    Damn I forgot to post this holiday classic! (never too late!)
    A Visit From St. Marx (part 1)

  10. bebe says:


    • Fancy Jack says:

      …and when she wasn’t being cute and dancing she did some stuff.

      Ocasio-Cortez attended Yorktown High School, graduating in 2007,[16] where she won second prize in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair with a microbiology research project on the effect of antioxidants on C. elegans’ lifespan.[17] As a result, the International Astronomical Union named a small asteroid after her: 23238 Ocasio-Cortez.[18][19] In high school, she took part in the National Hispanic Institute’s Lorenzo de Zavala (LDZ) Youth Legislative Session. She later became the LDZ Secretary of State while she attended Boston University. Ocasio-Cortez had a John F. Lopez Fellowship.[20] In 2008, while Ocasio-Cortez was a sophomore at Boston University, her father died of lung cancer.[21][22] During college, she was an intern in the immigration office of U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy.[23] She graduated cum laude from Boston University’s College of Arts and Sciences in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in international relations and a minor in economics.[20][24][25]


  11. Fancy Jack says:

    Here is a little nibble of something else as you binge on Trump.

    How to Download the Books That Just Entered the Public Domain
    Public Domain Day was yesterday, but you were probably hungover, so here’s how to download the tens of thousands of books that became legal to download for free in 2019.


    Of course, you can also get a good dose of literature at Dave Astor’s https://daveastoronliterature.com

  12. VSG 4E says:

    ‘Mornin’, Realmsters!..CAWFEFE!!..Happy Caturday!

    Might be a good day to take down the holiday lights..Cuppa-cuppa!….8-)

  13. MSolomon2 says:

    American Exceptionalism Is a Dangerous Myth
    One would conclude that, in its glory days as “leader of the free world,” America’s primary beef with Communism wasn’t that it threatened the civil liberties of Eastern Europeans (or Southeast Asians, or Cubans), but rather, that it threatened the prerogatives of American capitalists.

    Trump’s great gift to the American people is that he has made our government’s ugliest features easier to see — and thus, to change. But if we respond by burying Uncle Sam’s deformities beneath the concealer of American exceptionalism, the change we make won’t even be skin deep.

    • VSG 4E says:

      Grammy Nancy will have to have a chat or two with a couple of them….8-)

      • bebe says:


        English is such a beautiful language one could use it beautifully like Madame Pelosi without even raising her voice or butcher it like uneducated vulgar master loudmouth trump.
        I am sure Ms. Talib will clean up her excitement in future.

        And Ms.Ocasio-Cortez will keep her Republican colleagues on their toes in the upcoming days when they figure out the lady not only can dance she is also highly educated someone they need to recon with.

  14. MSolomon2 says:

    my-my meth-head-ann is really pissed at the reich-wing enabler Koch’s! Ha!

    • Fancy Jack says:

      She can say that cuz she’s a thousandaire.

      • MSolomon2 says:

        she’s just saying it cuz she’s hitched her wagon to dear-leader and the kochs aren’t in-bed with him (he’s bad for business).

        • VSG 4E says:

          Aren’t the K-Bros paying Kristol, too?….9-)

          • MSolomon2 says:

            Not sure, think so though. Pretty much all the reich-wingers who against “dear-leader” are in-bed with the Koch’s and their (corporate-fascist) “network”.

    • VSG 4E says:

      She sure is getting a lot of attention from the Rs–and the media..Meanwhile, back at the ranch… ….8-)

      • MSolomon2 says:

        she’s one of their loud-mouth ‘commentators” who writes the bat$hit “books” that their base buys (only things they read). So she starts spewing they sit up and “listen”. Or at least pretend too, depending on which way the wind is blowing.

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