
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”

― George Orwell

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517 Responses to Inevitability

  1. bebe says:

    “I don’t feel that there’s a need to be careful at this stage of my life,” said Senator Mitt Romney, who seems intent on proving as much these days.
    It’s not a benefit he expected, or even asked for. Mr. Romney had to content himself at first with critiquing from the gallery of Republican elders: In a 2016 speech he said, “Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud,” as Mr. Trump was in the process of rolling to the Republican nomination.

    He has now settled into a hybrid role of sober statesman and maverick in a party struggling to reconcile the oft-irreconcilable impulses of its leader.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      This villain deserves nothing but contempt, the problem the left ( let’s be clear about it baby boomer centrist well to do DEMOCRATS) have gone TRUMP mad and see Putin everywhere because the infantile harpy HRC cannot accept that she and her campaign antics made TRUMP POTUS.

      Romney should not be looked upon as the lesser of EVILS because they are AA EVIL, one with half a brain like Romney is more dangerous than DT.

  2. MSolomon2 says:

    Why Daybreak’s Gen Z apocalypse outlawed guns, even in a Mad Max-like world

    finding this show kinda fun though nowhere near as good as Deadly Class and find it subtly telling about the hypocrisies of WhoreyWood. As long as the teen violence is in a tongue-in-cheek “dramedy” format it’s ok, but maybe if it’s more “real” as in Deadly Class it’s too toxic for WhoreyWood…? just a thought.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      Looks good, moar zombies always work.

      Did I spot Henry Rollins on Deadly class?

      • MSolomon2 says:

        Yes you did, he was very good in it. This was(is) a great show with a great cast. French Stewart played a Hannibal Lector style serial killer, he surprised me in that character and pulled it off.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      EVERYTHING this con artist does has been ripped off from Bernie, ok maybe she added a few comas.

      She has bastardized progressivism and that the very people on the lest that stole the 2016 primaries to give DT a win now float her as the leading candidate should make everyone’s fucking skin crawl!

  3. bebe says:

    “So, Mr. President, given that you are shorn from The Times and The Post, I feel an obligation to fill you in on what you’re missing:

    You’re about to be impeached.

    Nancy Pelosi is kicking your butt.

    The Deep State is not only out to get you; it’s gotten you.”

  4. bebe says:

    The demagogue speaks , off-goes TV 😘😡

  5. MSolomon2 says:

    Scientists may have found the root of anxiety, opening a door to treatment
    “For people suffering from anxiety, this news should give hope.”

  6. MSolomon2 says:

    An ancient sexual energy mushroom is on the brink of mass production
    Cultivation could reshape libidos, ecology, and an entire country’s economy

    weird and fascinating article.

  7. MSolomon2 says:

    Disney Is Quietly Placing Classic Fox Movies Into Its Vault, and That’s Worrying

    disney ba$tards never miss a trick!

  8. MSolomon2 says:

    … and the first dear-leader thanks for it’s “help” is russia… how completely UN-surprising… Oh I can’t wait to see those taxes!, finally his idiot-DEPLORABLE followers will see how much he really has (far less then he makes out) and exactly where it comes from (POO-tins tit!) illegally.

  9. Fancy Jack says:

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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    Happy Diwali

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