Arecibo Observatory: The Great Loss

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1,020 Responses to Arecibo Observatory: The Great Loss

  1. Fancy Jack says:

    The best thing to watch on Netflix now:
    Alice in Borderland I binged on this so easy.
    “An aimless gamer and his two friends find themselves in a parallel Tokyo, where they’re forced to compete in a series of sadistic games to survive.”

  2. MSolomon2 says:

    What could be behind Javanka’s move to Billionaire’s Bunker?
    Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are reported to be moving to a super-high-security island

    Ivanka and Jared buy $30M lot on high-security Miami island

    PROSECUTE!, then execute!!!

  3. MSolomon2 says:

    Biden’s Risky Peace Offering to Republicans
    The president-elect thinks he can work with an opposition that only partly acknowledges his victory. Progressives need to prepare a Plan B.

    there can be no peace with The ENEMY!

  4. MSolomon2 says:

    Just got a netflix announcement, prices goin up “This update will allow us to deliver even more value for your membership”, HA! – MOAR greed of theirs, not value to me since they CANCEL everything I luv the loathsome ba$tards!

    • cobaltbluedog says:

      Some parts of NY state and PA got 44″ of snow. MS, man how are you doing?

      • bebe says:

        How are you doing, I called my Cousin in Cambridge, MS, lots of snow, sitiing and drinking cofee with his lovely wife.

        • cobaltbluedog says:

          We’re alright, we’re still in RI while the kitchen is being worked on. Maybe eight inches in RI, but it changed to rain for a little while then back, so it’s pretty heavy. We hired a plow guy, no way I could shovel it. Our contractor in MA is a friend, he’s using our John Deere to clear the driveway up there. I think there’s a foot up there, but it’s colder so light fluffy snow.

          • bebe says:

            Good to lnow !
            You shouldnt be using John Deere in the near future considering what youve gone through.

      • MSolomon2 says:

        very heavy wet, just was out shovelling out car to take doggie for his appointment, needs his wellness check and some vac and his funky (they are weird!) Great Pyr double dewclaws clipped.

        • cobaltbluedog says:

          I loved the pix of him out in the snow.

          • MSolomon2 says:

            his breed LUVS the snow!, They will happily lay themselves down out there and fall asleep in it. all he wants to be is out there in it, outside in general, but especially the snow.

  5. MSolomon2 says:

    The Scars of Democracy
    Theodor Adorno and the crises of liberalism.

    Liberal democracies, Adorno argued, are by their nature fragile; they are riven with contradictions and vulnerable to systemic abuse, and their stated ideals are so frequently violated in practice that they awaken resentment, opposition, and a yearning for extrasystemic solutions. Those who defend democracy must confront the persistent inequalities that breed this resentment and that prevent democracy from becoming what it claims to be.

    Adorno was so very wise!

    • MSolomon2 says:

      so, so very wise!
      Though Adorno seldom descended from philosophical to institutional analysis, he shared with his colleagues a conviction that fascism was not just a German problem but a human one, a pathology that threatened all modern societies and could be explained only with multidisciplinary tools that combined political science, sociology, and even psychology.

  6. MSolomon2 says:

    Mar-a-Lago neighbors say Trump can’t live there after White House

    President signed 1993 agreement with town that says he cannot live at the club for more than three nonconsecutive weeks in a year

    he needs to go into exile like all the very best ousted dictators of the past! I’m sure one of his buddies like little kim, or buddy-POO-tin will take him in?

  7. Fancy Jack says:

    I need to go somewhere far awa!

  8. MSolomon2 says:

    Growing alarm as US government investigates extent of hacking campaign

    ‘Significant and ongoing’ cyber attack poses a grave risk as several agencies have formed a group to coordinate the US response

    Hackers believed to be working for Russia introduced malware into the software of technology company SolarWinds, compromising a network safety tool used by numerous government agencies and large corporations.

    The size of the hack, which began as early as March, remains unclear. SolarWinds said up to 18,000 of its more than 300,000 customers had downloaded the compromised software.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      That such a company is hacked by “PUTIN” it’s always him, not that evidently the nation no matter the party is run by idiots, takes the cake.

  9. Fancy Jack says:

    So today I have been feeling like crawling the internet, SM, and sites and the crap out there just makes me want to live off the grid.

    People fighting over insignificant crap, during a pandemic, like their hurt feelings that Republicans call the voters and party “DEMOCRAT/S” when it’s the Democratic Party. I really hate people sometimes.

    Yes, it’s called the Democratic Party but instead of having a TT attack over nomenclature how about the fact that the so-called Democratic Party continuously fails to live up to democratic principles? That the moron taking office in 2021 has been one of the worst guardian of Democracy in the party’s history? No, SHEESH!

    Of course, had the Turnip making the complaint had bothered with actual GODDAMN facts she would have seen that the party itself uses the term DEMOCRATS to describe themselves.

    My aux laptop pictured below. That is the sticker I got in the mail this election and what my opinion as I put it on the laptop that day. Sufficient to say the wifey does not approve.

    • MSolomon2 says:

      I remember seeing some angry white woman who looked like a crack-whore during the election yelling about the DEMON-crats, jezuz, somebody needed get her a hit already she was about to go totally psychotic. I only wish the dems were half as fanatically hatefully driven, maybe then they’d win for a change. I loathe fanaticism but there is no denying there’s power in it.

  10. Fancy Jack says:

    That handsome Devil “The good Donald Trump” does it again.

    • MSolomon2 says:

      he is by far my favorite “pundit”, always make a point of trying to watch him on PBS NewsHour (Fridays) tonight at 6:00. Most “pundits” I have very little to no respect for, but he actually knows his stuff, he is a real treasure

      • bebe says:

        I know…sad he is stepping out, there would be know one like him to replace him.

        • MSolomon2 says:

          I agree with brooks on very few things but all the good words he has for his friend can not be disputed, every word is justified and honest. I’ve had a feeling watching a few times lately that Shields was having a bit of trouble wasn’t always at his best I hope he’s not having health problems. I hope PBS can somehow manage to find someone at all near his caliber as a replacement but I really just don’t think there’s a lot of hope in finding anyone even close. Very sad to see him go.

  11. MSolomon2 says:


  12. MSolomon2 says:

    Trump Supporters Are Threatening Georgia Gov. Kemp’s Family and He’s Furious
    The fact that Trump has been boosting calls for Kemp, a Republican, to be jailed probably isn’t helping.

    reich-on-reich violence, can’t say I’m not enjoying it!

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