Long Road To Freedom

“A free press can, of course, be good or bad, but, most certainly without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad.” ~Albert Camus

Any well-educated person can make a case (OPINION) about Julian Assange’s guilt or innocence. No doubt it will be based on either fact or fiction, emotion or ethos, and maybe a mixture of both.

My personal feelings about Assange, I think he is narcissistic and creepy, (not a rapist but certainly a creep for not abiding by what he agreed with his sexual partners), and he may have a profound ( maybe justifiable) hatred of the US that led him to be rash with the US secret documents dump. But this story is not of anti-US propaganda or FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, no it was the calculated way OUR government used red herring against the citizens to curb freedom of the press. Recall how they weaponized the ESTABLISHMENT of MAINSTREAM media to attack what was the beginning of online or in WIKILEAKS’ case an online whistle-blower social media, NO? then please look at some of the articles of that era. And! Before anyone invokes the TRUMP boogeyman look at who was POTUS back then.

I hope this time around Assange can get it right.


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28 Responses to Long Road To Freedom

  1. MSolomon2 says:

    Democracies REQUIRE a free-press, without it, nope Democracy DIES. “Our for-profit” “news” has been a disaster for our so-called “Democracy”. A large % of Muricans currently get their “news” from the propaganda b.s of UN-social “media”… The by-design MURDER of The Fairness Doctrine set this cancerous situation on us. The UN-social media and the propaganda networks may be what brings us a white-nationalist xristo-fascism this “election”.

  2. MSolomon2 says:

    This made me laugh and think. Seriously, how will he even manage without having his loonatic “faithful” there as a audience to play-to?

  3. MSolomon2 says:

    The US supreme court just basically legalized bribery


    By sheer coincidence, this ruling concerns the sort of generous ‘gifts’ and ‘gratuities’ that justices have been known to accept

  4. MSolomon2 says:

    The terror of the very real possibilities very soon

  5. Fancy Jack says:

    Other than calling Trump, ‘You’re the sucker, you’re the loser’ Biden is falling apart. The only thing helping Biden is that people know all Trump says are lies.

  6. MSolomon2 says:
    • and in yet more supreme CULT news, as the fascist court continues to destroy Murica

    US supreme court strikes down 40-year precedent, reducing power of federal agencies

    Court overturns Chevron doctrine, which had become a central target of rightwing groups


    Elena Kagan’s scathing Chevron dissent highlights US supreme court’s disregard for precedent

    The court is turning into ‘an administrative czar’, says liberal justice after 40-year-old doctrine is overturned

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