Ogg Look-Out! Here Comes A Saber Tooth Trump


Yeah, sure worry about TRUMP, but let me ask you, when was the last time you had a Saber Tooth Tiger Saber Tooth Tiger right up your ass?

Neanderthals, the cave and loincloth kind not the cousin marrying, bible thumping kind, had real anxiety-I know, there aren’t any Saber Tooth Tigers around but Herr Trump is. Neanderthals did not kill off the Saber Tooth Tiger, they resisted the big cats, usually with some rudimentary spear, but it was climatic changes that did  Saber Tooth Tigers in.

Unless DT does something spectacularly stupid, there’s strong evidence that he will, time will take care of him. Resting him while a necessity CANNOT be the only line of defense.

Trump became President not based on his political, sociological or economy prowess but because for far too long people allowed political parties, not actual leadership, to take center stage…add some division, via the so-called RESISTORS former Clintonistas, and well you know the rest.

Trump is the first in a possible long line of American despots to come as the oligarchy consolidates their power, so what are you going to do? Evolve or hope for an ice age to fix the problem.

Because you’re scratching your head. Ogg is a fictionalized Neanderthal name. I would have used Larry but the fist instance of a  man named Larry took place during Cro-Magnon times. 

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311 Responses to Ogg Look-Out! Here Comes A Saber Tooth Trump

  1. Darth says:

    Sponge can soak up and release spilled oil hundreds of times https://www.newscientist.com/article/2123391-sponge-can-soak-up-and-release-spilled-oil-hundreds-of-times/
    “A new material can absorb up to 90 times its own weight in spilled oil and then be squeezed out like a sponge and reused, raising hopes for easier clean-up of oil spill sites.

    This contrasts with most commercial products for soaking up oil, called “sorbents”. These are generally only good for a single use, acting like a paper towel used to mop up a kitchen mess and then tossed away. The discarded sorbents and oil are then normally incinerated.”

  2. MSolomon2 says:

    Utopian thinking: the easy way to eradicate poverty

    Keeping people poor is a political choice we can no longer afford, with so much human potential wasted. We need a universal basic income

    • MSolomon2 says:

      “The experiment had started in Dauphin, a town north-west of Winnipeg, in 1974. Everybody was guaranteed a basic income ensuring that no one fell below the poverty line. And for four years, all went well. But then a conservative government was voted into power.” (Big surprise there right?)

      “While it won’t solve all the world’s ills – and ideas such as a rent cap and more social housing are necessary in places where housing is scarce – a basic income would work like venture capital for the people. We can’t afford not to do it – poverty is hugely expensive. The costs of child poverty in the US are estimated at $500bn (£410bn) each year, in terms of higher healthcare spending, less education and more crime. It’s an incredible waste of potential. It would cost just $175bn, a quarter of the country’s current military budget, to do what Dauphin did long ago: eradicate poverty.”

      but.., but…, our GUNZ!!! – the world needs the holy church of Murica-the-redeemer!!!

  3. fi says:

    Goodnight folks. xxx

  4. Fancy Jack says:

    And now a MOMENT of Art….and Music!

  5. Fancy Jack says:

    Did he think he would come unscathed? Bet Hillary can travel freely, so far—I’m sure the Donald will impose restrictions on the little women for their own good.

    Khizr Khan Reportedly Told His “Travel Privileges Are Being Reviewed,” Offers No Comment
    By Osita Nwanevu

    “On Monday, a group called Ramsay Talks canceled its Tuesday event in Toronto, because the event’s featured speaker, Khizr Khan, would not be able to attend. Khan, the Gold Star father famous for challenging Donald Trump in an appearance at the Democratic National Convention last year, had reportedly been told that his “travel privileges are being reviewed.” Khan has been an American citizen for more than 30 years.”


    • MSolomon2 says:

      the stifling of dissent…

    • Darth says:

      “travel privileges”? He’s a citizen, not a visa holder. There are no “privileges” to be reviewed. And by whom??? If he’s being threatened it’s illegal.

  6. Fancy Jack says:

    America is an exciting place, a mix of McCarthyism and Fascism…but hold on there’s plenty “ISMS” left. This is oodles of fun, I hope we survive it so we can do it again and again!

  7. Tío Azúcar says:

    Bombshell report links Trump hotel to corrupt Azerbaijan oligarchs and Iranian terror group

    President Donald Trump and his eldest daughter developed a hotel in Azerbaijan that appears to be a corrupt operation run by a family known as “the Corleones of the Caspian” with links to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard.

    The Trump International Hotel & Tower Baku — conceived in 2008 as a luxury apartment building but converted in 2014 into a hotel — has never opened, and both local observers and international experts are baffled by the building’s existence, reported The New Yorker.

    The project was intended as an “ultra-luxury property” with both hotel and residential space, but both its location and timing are odd, according to the report.

    Trump Tower Baku is located in an underdeveloped part of the city’s downtown, across the street from a discount shopping center and miles away from the main business district.

    “Why would someone put a luxury hotel there?” said former top official in Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Tourism. “Nobody who can afford to stay there would want to be in that neighborhood.”


  8. Fancy Jack says:

    Ah fuck this place.

  9. Tío Azúcar says:

    For a friend. ❤

  10. Darth says:

    This should be a thing.

  11. Darth says:

    Newton’s third law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

  12. fi says:

    Morning, I can see we are all in a torturous mood this morning.

  13. Darth says:

    Evil lair confirmed!

    “JP Jeunet’s “Cathedral” at dawn. Element of the movie “The City of Lost Children” still standing in Saint-Germain-lès-Arpajon, a commune in Essonne , 19 miles from Paris.”

  14. bebe says:

    Chooooooo !!!!

  15. bebe says:

    Where is Jack ????

    Went to spa treatment

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