Spin Me A Tale


Call me Ishmael. —Herman Melville, Moby-Dick

 It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. —Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice,  Lolita

light of my life, fire of my loins. —Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita

You don’t know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain’t no matter. —Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do not care to remember, a gentleman lived not long ago, one of those who has a lance and ancient shield on a shelf and keeps a skinny nag and a greyhound for racing. —Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote

I don’t quite know how Rand Paul’s  Political tale began but given that he is a LiberTURDIAN I can say it was “I am a sick man . . . I am a spiteful man. —Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Notes from Underground” and not be too far off the mark.

It would be folly to arbitrarily to castigate those who we do not align with politically without showing the same skepticism to those we support; A support that often is based on nothing more than partisanship—the last time I listened to the start of a tale it went, “Hope and Change” well we all know how that fairytale unfolded.

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1,045 Responses to Spin Me A Tale

  1. Lizard says:

    Woo hoo!! The new Archer series is on Amazon Prime streaming…finally. My life has purpose now.

  2. misterx27 says:

    Good night kindred souls,WHOA lookout! She came in through the bathroom wndow,protected by a realmer,and though I thought I new the answer,well I knew,but I could not say.Goodnight

  3. Fancy Jack says:

    Where is that haggis?

  4. misterx27 says:

    Many would die,that Christmas day,but only three wore the green beret….Silver wings,upon his chest,he was one,America’s best.For fucking what exactly?? good night my friends

  5. fi says:

    Sweet morrow gentle Realmfolk.
    Hi Jack.

  6. fi says:

    Gonna go shower.

  7. misterx27 says:

    Perfect good night song 😉

  8. misterx27 says:

    Gday’ my friends…..!,rest my case..for tonight…

  9. Fancy Jack says:

    Good night I keep drifting i and out so lets make official!

  10. Classical Gas says:

  11. bebe says:

    Morning Fancy Jack and the rest of the realmsters..

  12. Darth says:

    Morning, waiting for the caffeine to kick in.

  13. Darth says:

    A Checkbox On Your Tax Return Helped Kill Public Campaign Funding http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/a-checkbox-on-your-tax-return-helped-kill-public-campaign-funding/

    “What’s the point?” you might ask yourself. To fund more polarizing and negative campaign ads? You happily refuse to check the box.

    “By doing so, you joined 94 percent of Americans who also declined to make that checkmark. The share of tax forms with a checked box has been declining steadily for decades.

    That widespread sentiment is one of the principal reasons why the public funding of presidential campaigns, long a goal of campaign finance reform activists, is dying. Because the checkoff has provided a reduced stream of money, public financing is no longer an attractive option for the major party candidates, who now prefer to let private citizens with money pay for their campaigns.

    When you agree to the $3 tax checkoff, it funds the Presidential Election Campaign Fund (PECF), a common pool of money that matches the fundraising of eligible presidential candidates in primary and general elections, for those who choose to take it. The $3 does not come out of your taxes; it’s just $3 less the government receives in tax revenue.”

    That box is utterly meaningless now. Thanks, SCOTUS. $$$$$$

  14. Darth says:

    well, that didn’t take long..

    Geraldo: Dashcam Video Should Clear S.C. Cop Of Murder Charge http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/geraldo-dashcam-no-murder-charge
    “Fox News contributor Geraldo Rivera on Friday morning said that new dashcam footage that shows Walter Scott running away from his car at a traffic stop should clear South Carolina police officer Michael Thomas Slager of the murder charge.

    “I’m extremely glad that they released the dash cam video because it gives context to the event. However horrific and tragic and outrageous the shooting in the back is, it shows that it started as a righteous traffic stop,” Rivera said on “Fox and Friends.”

    • bebe says:

      Oh Bummer…darth. another person Geraldo losing the purpose of his life.
      It is the story of power of money when greed takes over 😦

      • Darth says:

        Hi bebe. That guy is a real piece of work… or something. Being angry does not justify homicide. The false call in about the taser and then planting it beside the body immediately afterwards shows premeditation, even if briefly. Geraldo is an idiot.

    • Darth says:

      “a righteous traffic stop”

      “Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S. 1 (1985), was a case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that, under the Fourth Amendment, when a law enforcement officer is pursuing a fleeing suspect, he or she may not use deadly force to prevent escape unless the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious physical injury to the officer or others.”

      Then there’s the planting of evidence immediately after the shooting to match his “he has my taser” call in, the officer didn’t miss a beat, like he’d done it a few times. Walter Scott had electrode wires trailing from his back. The taser would have been useless to him as the officer had already fired it at Scott, it has to be reloaded with another charge to even work again.

      Geraldo should have done the world a favor and stayed locked in Capone’s vault.

      • bebe says:

        He should have…long ago He was in MSNBC and surprisingly was watchable then. Made a name during OJ`s trial…shows one he is not only an idiot but a greedy one.

      • FOUR EYES says:

        Geraldo should make the argument that it was OK to do this last year, but suddenly now our militar..er, police are being overly-scrutinized because we have a Mooslim prez..Hiya Darth!….8-)

    • Fancy Jack says:

      When he got clocked with that chair on the head I think something in his head became dislodged —like the pea brain?

  15. Darth says:

    The Fantastic Four reboot looks promising

  16. Darth says:

    These Knotted Cords Are A Sophisticated Ancient Counting Tool http://io9.com/these-knotted-cords-are-a-sophisticated-ancient-countin-1697078760

    “The knot counting system is actually called a quipu, and it served a rather different function than an abacus. As the University of St. Andrews’ Math and Stats department explains, it “was not a calculator, rather it was a storage device.” It wasn’t just the device’s function that made it unusual, though, but also the fact that it was actually developed before a writing system. As such, it became not only a counting tool, but also its own system for records-keeping.”

    “Numbers were recorded on strings of a particular colour to identify what that number was recording. For example numbers of cattle might be recorded on green strings while numbers of sheep might be recorded on white strings. The colours each had several meanings, some of which were abstract ideas, some concrete as in the cattle and sheep example. White strings had the abstract meaning of “peace” while red strings had the abstract meaning of “war”.”

  17. FOUR EYES says:

    ‘Mornin’, Realmsters!..CAWFFEEEE!!..Mrs4E is very happy with her new mattress–I think it’s a little too firm for me, but I did get more sleep than normal, of late..One of these days I’m going to get out to the gardens….8-)

  18. Darth says:

    Fun fact:
    “Roger Ailes is credited with the “Orchestra Pit Theory” regarding sensationalist political coverage in the news media, which originated with his quip:

    “If you have two guys on a stage and one guy says, ‘I have a solution to the Middle East problem,’ and the other guy falls in the orchestra pit, who do you think is going to be on the evening news?”
    Roger Ailes

    That, my friends, is Fox news in a nutshell.

  19. FOUR EYES says:


    (Wavey will 🙄 this)
    “”At the end of the day, it appears to be excessive,” [San Bernardino County Sheriff John] McMahon said Friday.”

    This wasn’t a silent smartphone filming–there was a helicopter (noisy buggers) and THAT didn’t seem to matter to them….8-)

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