Jackhole’s Realm: Alternative Entry To The Devils Dictionary


I have not done one of these in a long time. Going back to my early postings as Brett Jeremy on Huffington Post, one of my favorite things to do was adding alternative entries to Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. It was a fun way to lampoon the day’s events. —you may add your own definitions. Without further ado I present to you,


HOMO BIGOTUSn. A subspecies of the lowest kind of the human branch. Homo Bigotus can be found throughout the world, having the largest concentrations in the continental United States. In the southern and mid-west states there exist a curious deviation, unremarkable from Homo Bigotus with the sole exception of a pronounced gun fetish.


Characteristics of Homo Bigotus include, but not limited to, extreme hatred of minorities, people any shade other than pale, women, the LGBT community.

Weaknesses: Education and personal hygiene.

Heroes: The Ku Klux Klan, The Republican Party.

Personification: Donald Trump. A boorish, orangutan orange anus hue demagogue that is the Republican presidential candidate front-runner.

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1,119 Responses to Jackhole’s Realm: Alternative Entry To The Devils Dictionary

  1. waverly says:

    Why Did Bernie Endorse Hillary Before Philly?

    It has been two days since Bernie Sanders tragically endorsed Hillary Clinton. I say tragic because it was not supposed to happen. Not yet. Sanders endorsed Hillary, saying she would be an outstanding president, all while appearing very angry, upset, and frustrated. There was no glimmer in his eyes. There was no fighting spirit in his voice. There was only a shell of a man, sweating profusely, gripping the sides of a podium as if his life depended on the words that were coming out of his mouth.

    In less than 48 hours, donations to Green Party candidate Jill Stein have jumped nearly 1000 percent. Hundreds of those donations totaled exactly $27, a clear middle finger to the DNC and Hillary in particular. Because of the drastic jump in donations to Stein, the DNC is running damage control. They’re now sending Bernie delegates emails in an attempt to convince them to switch over to Hillary, and according to this Reddit post, they’re not happy about it.


  2. waverly says:

    Sanders ally Cornel West backs Green candidate | TheHill

    Activist Cornel West is endorsing Green Party candidate Jill Stein after previously backing Bernie Sanders’s presidential bid.

    “This November, we need change,” he wrote Thursday in an op-ed for The Guardian. “Yet we are tied in a choice between [Donald] Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and [Hillary] Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster.”


    • MSolomon2 says:

      anyone who’s ever seen the man speak knows, he has a powerful mind!, and is a powerful speaker!
      “Yet we are tied in a choice between [Donald] Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and [Hillary] Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster.”
      so clearly true, couldn’t be better said.

  3. Darth says:

    My spouse has a cousin in Nice. She’s checked in safe and sound. There’s an app for that apparently.

  4. waverly says:

    Millennials Are Rejecting The ‘Lesser Of Two Evils’ Argument

    Young voters are tired, it seems, of the “lesser of two evils” argument that has so often been used to pressure voters into choosing a less-than-ideal candidate.

    According to a new poll released on Thursday, almost half of Bernie Sanders’s millennial supporters — 48 percent — now say that they will vote for a third-party candidate over the two widely disliked nominees of America’s two major parties.


  5. misterx27 says:

    The beat goes on with terror.in France again.It seems the have a new tactic of the soft random and unusual attack

  6. waverly says:

    Time to Reign in the Robber Barons Again

    The nation’s 1% has been making a killing from artificially inflated stock prices for nearly four decades, and that concentration of wealth and power has come at the direct expense of the US working and middle class.

    Between 1948 and 1973, productivity and wages tracked very closely, productivity increased by 96.7 percent and wages went up 91.3 percent.

    But between 1973 and 2013 (that’s the same time period when stock buybacks effectively de-linked stock value from economic output), worker productivity increased by 74.4 percent, and wages only increased by 9.2 percent.

    And that’s been really harmful to our economy, because it’s a basic economic fact that the wages of average workers, the people who actually buy stuff, are what drive real economic growth.

    It’s no coincidence that as stock prices grew since 1979, the top 1% of earners in the US saw their wages increase by 138 percent, while the entire bottom 90 percent of US earners only saw their wages increase by 15 percent.

    Because the top 1%, and especially the CEOs and board members of the largest firms in the US, are nothing but a new generation of robber barons.


  7. waverly says:

    Hillary Clinton’s 6-point lead over Donald Trump in last month’s CBS News poll has now evaporated. As of mid-July (even before Trump enjoys a predictable post-convention bump in the polls) she is tied with him. Each garners the support of 40 percent of voters.

    This is astounding, given that Trump’s campaign is in shambles while hers is a well-oiled machine; that he’s done almost no advertising while she began the month spending $500,000 a day on ads; and that Republican leaders are deserting him while Democrats are lining up behind her.

    The near tie is particularly astonishing given that Trump has no experience and offers no coherent set of policies or practical ideas but only venomous bigotry and mindless xenophobia, while Hillary Clinton has a boatload of experience, a storehouse of carefully-crafted policies, and a deep understanding of what the nation must do in order to come together and lead the world.

    What happened? Apparently the FBI’s recent report on Clinton’s email heightened what already were public concerns about her honesty and trustworthiness. Last month, on that same CBS poll, 62 percent of voters said she’s not honest and trustworthy; now 67 percent of voters have that view.

    So as the Republican convention prepares to nominate the least qualified and most divisive candidate in American history, the Democrats are about to nominate among the most qualified and yet also most distrusted.

    What explains this underlying distrust?


  8. Tío Azúcar says:

    It’s going to suck being a resident of Raqqah in the near future.

  9. Tío Azúcar says:

    The birth of Trump

  10. Tío Azúcar says:

    So, they’re thinking this asshole tried to set off an explosive in the crowd. Fortunately it didn’t go off.

  11. Fancy Jack says:

    It has been a horrible week but now it’s better because of you FK!

  12. Green4E says:

    ❤ ..FANCY!!!.. ❤
    Hope you can feel better. soon!…8-)

  13. Darth says:

    Supposedly this guy uses only materials that he finds on site.

    Natural sculptures by Andy Goldsworthy.

    “Andy Goldsworthy is an extraordinary, innovative British artist whose collaborations with nature produce uniquely personal and intense artworks. Using a seemingly endless range of natural materials—snow, ice, leaves, bark, rock, clay, stones, feathers petals, twigs—he creates outdoor sculpture that manifests, however fleeting, a sympathetic contact with the natural world. Before they disappear, or as they disappear, Goldsworthy, records his work in superb colour photographs.”

  14. Darth says:

    What a terrible day. 😦

  15. fancykat says:

    Night. Better get back to bed. Will catch everyone as I see them. Peace.

  16. Fancy Jack says:

  17. Fancy Jack says:

  18. Fancy Jack says:

    And now another: Jackhole’s Realm Alternative Entry to the Devil’s Dictionary.

    Odious, adj . The current presumptive presidential candidates of the United States Democratic party and Republican party. On the Democratic front, a life long scandal in stylish pantsuits on the Republican side An orange Orangutan anus, see Homo Bigotus entry.

  19. Classical Gas says:

    Jack! We need a vacation!! Someplace lovely and far from the insanity. Do your magic, please.

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