Jackhole’s Realm: Alternative Entry To The Devils Dictionary


I have not done one of these in a long time. Going back to my early postings as Brett Jeremy on Huffington Post, one of my favorite things to do was adding alternative entries to Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary. It was a fun way to lampoon the day’s events. —you may add your own definitions. Without further ado I present to you,


HOMO BIGOTUSn. A subspecies of the lowest kind of the human branch. Homo Bigotus can be found throughout the world, having the largest concentrations in the continental United States. In the southern and mid-west states there exist a curious deviation, unremarkable from Homo Bigotus with the sole exception of a pronounced gun fetish.


Characteristics of Homo Bigotus include, but not limited to, extreme hatred of minorities, people any shade other than pale, women, the LGBT community.

Weaknesses: Education and personal hygiene.

Heroes: The Ku Klux Klan, The Republican Party.

Personification: Donald Trump. A boorish, orangutan orange anus hue demagogue that is the Republican presidential candidate front-runner.

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1,119 Responses to Jackhole’s Realm: Alternative Entry To The Devils Dictionary

  1. Green4E says:

    Donations to Jill Stein Explode Nearly 1000% Since Sanders’ Endorsement of Clinton

    “If that word gets out, that can be a very powerful motivator for those people to vote for my campaign, and that’s a plurality of votes.” Stein continued. “In the words of Alice Walker, ‘The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.’”

    http://usuncut.com/politics/jill-stein-campaign-surge/ ….8-)

  2. Fancy Jack says:

    I wish all these planets were brimming with life—I”m sure they would love Nike brand crap and iPhones.

    By Mike Wall, Space.com Senior Writer | July 11, 2016 02:01pm ET

    Pluto isn’t quite as lonely as scientists had thought.

    Astronomers have discovered another dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, the ring of icy objects beyond Neptune. But this newfound world, dubbed 2015 RR245, is much more distant than Pluto, orbiting the sun once every 700 Earth years, scientists said. (Pluto completes one lap around the sun every 248 Earth years.) You can see an animation of the new dwarf planet’s orbit here.

    New Dwarf Planet Discovered Far Beyond Pluto’s Orbit

  3. thedood says:

    Gonna have to take my sleepy pup out to pee one more time and then get some zzzzzs myself…5am came early this morning! BBL! Have a great evening everyone!

    • Fancy Jack says:

      Sleep well you guys.

    • Green4E says:

      Restful sleep, D & C!!….8-)

    • misterx27 says:

      dood,long time no see! my fault

    • ALOE VERA says:

      So good to see you back Dood! I don’t stay up late much anymore, except when the dreaded insomnia strikes. Hey, don’t believe everything 3y3s says ~ I don’t always eat chicken, and I don’t eat a whole one! As for the burping, well radishes & cukes earn their burps! 😀 ❤ ❤ from us to you & Clancey.

      • thedood says:

        I’ve been thinking I need to eat more chicken and less red meat! I’ve been so lazy inn the kitchen lately 😦

        • ALOE VERA says:

          Surprise Surprise Surprise !!!! 🙂 😉
          I’m having a cold tuna mac salad tonight, with a green salad on the side. Ate all the cuke already (burp), but still have plenty of radishes (burrrrrrrrrrrrrp!). 😉

          • thedood says:

            I’ve even been too lazy to make tuna salad! Plus…Clancey gets the hard boiled eggs for breakfast! 😉

            • ALOE VERA says:

              Queen likes her eggs, too, but it’s a one for you, one for me deal here.

              • thedood says:

                He just gets one with his dry food in the morning….if I do cook up some for me, I always have a few “leftovers” for him! 😉

                • ALOE VERA says:

                  I’m blessed with a great aide, so I cook ’em and she peels ’em for us. 🙂 If I try to peel on my own we’d both be either increasing our crunchy calcium intake or our slime intake. Ok with Queen, but not so much for me.

                • thedood says:

                  Clancey gets shell and all! I’ve heard the calcium in the shell is good for him!

                • ALOE VERA says:

                  My girl’s a prissy one. 🙄

                • thedood says:


  4. Fancy Jack says:

    Billionaire Charles Koch: Trump-Hillary Is Like Voting ‘Cancer Or Heart Attack’


    Oh, Charlie just vote 😀

  5. misterx27 says:

    07/13/2016 at 8:23 PM

    I am worried. I am worried that the American electorate is so confused.Not the people who actually know cause and effect.But the many that are scared an confused. Hillary has some big flaws that the R’s can pound on.and if the country is afraid.Trump is possible.You think Brexit is big? Just see what happens if it is “President” Trump

  6. Fancy Jack says:

    Ok this is telling. First read the blog then watch the video:

    Bernie Sanders’ Body Language Says He Angrily and Reluctantly Endorses Hillary Clinton

    “In making this analysis, know that I have no bias whatsoever. I am not supporting one candidate over another. I am objectively using my skills as a Communication and Body language expert to share my observations.”

    Bernie Sanders’ Body Language Says He Angrily and Reluctantly Endorses Hillary Clinton

    As you can see on the Body language blog, while it’s about Bernie’s BL, HRC Body language is one of victory, hell you think Bernie made that endorsement of his free will without extortion?

    Now for most of the video when it comes to Bernie trashing the corporations and the crooked 1% just like she is, she was uncomfortable and annoyed as hell. She plans to subjugate the people—-but Donald Trump right?

    • Classical Gas says:

      I dropped something on your timeline elsewhere that addresses this…

      • Fancy Jack says:

        I have no beef with Bernie and while I know how the Clintons operate, extortion, bribery, intimidation…I think we need to know we have gone with him as far as we could while maintaining a progressive plan. He will do his part until he is squashed, just like all his years in the senate, the Clintons are not going to adopt any of his reforms, not the ones that matter anyway.

        I hope that after the convention, Bernie delegates move to forming a third party. The reason Bernie lost is because he went in as a Democrat, if not he would have not gotten any attention at all.

  7. Darth says:


  8. Darth says:

    apocalypse preparedness.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      In HS I caught a guy breaking into my locker but I didn’t do shit because he was a golden gloves, plus I knew him from around he said my bad. We acted like it didn’t happen.

  9. Darth says:

    Read this today, it made me sad. Fair warning, it’s brutal. I don’t agree with all of it but she makes some undeniable points.

    Bernie Sanders Abandons the Revolution

    • Fancy Jack says:

      I’m letting people come to grips with the reality. I feel real bad for all the delegates they deserve their moment at the convention. Bernie said “She is most qualified candidate. and, that she must be our next President”. People need to understand the language.

      I feel he did not set out to betray anyone but given his age this is his last hurrah, maybe he really thinks that he can get something going now from within the party—I think it’s futile. I think the article lays out some uncomfortable truths.

      • Darth says:

        Yeah, I can agree with that. He’s doing what he feels is right and doesn’t deserve to be written off. At the same time he was heaping praise on Hillary that was clearly political. I watched that speech, and when she got up there and talked about how she was going to get tough on wall street I saw him wince. He doesn’t believe a word of it and neither do I. Clearly he doesn’t want Trump to win, but we’re not stupid. He was laying it on thick.

  10. Fancy Jack says:

    Man Wave just vanished.

  11. Darth says:

    Things are getting out of control.

  12. Fancy Jack says:

    Election Technicality: Bernie Has Not Yet Officially Conceded
    July 12, 2016

    Though Bernie Sanders has officially endorsed Hillary Clinton and said he will do everything possible to get the former Secretary of State election to the highest office in the land, his campaign is not quite over, officially.

    As noted by Vox, Sanders didn’t officially announce that he was no longer running for president, leaving a little bit of wiggle room for the Senator.

    “Now, Sanders didn’t announce that he was suspending or ending his own campaign. He said that the delegates’ roll call at the convention in a little over two weeks would reflect that he had won almost 1,900 delegates — suggesting that he might technically stay in the race till then.”


    • Darth says:

      He lost SS protection though, right?

      • Fancy Jack says:

        Maybe after he officially concedes —there is that mysterious death surrounding a Clinton crony, just saying, Bernie should invest in a security team. Too many nut jobs out in the world.

        • Classical Gas says:

          I think he lost the protection, read something earlier about that. And, yeah he should.

  13. fi says:

    Good morning 🙂

  14. Darth says:

    Rainy with a chance of kittehs

  15. fi says:

    Just read on Twitter, Newt Gingrich is in the running to be DT’s VP.
    😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

    • Darth says:

      It’s like they aren’t even trying anymore. I’m half expecting Trump to walk out nekkid playing the bongos or something.

  16. bebe says:

    A stressful day Jack !
    A the surgeon`s domain…teeth cleaning service 😦

  17. Fancy Jack says:


  18. Tío Azúcar says:

    So, you dreamt we went fishing together? I’ll be salmon fishing in Canada in a couple of weeks, you should join me! Maybe Mr Fi will come along, seeing how they’re closing down his fishery.

  19. Fancy Jack says:

    • Fancy Jack says:

      Those guys ancestors walked from the South Pole to the middle east to get a ride on Noah’s Ark, so what do they do? they become hipsters.

  20. bebe says:

    oh my…let the fun begin 😆

    • Fancy Jack says:

      Can’t stand sell out Rachael.

      • bebe says:

        Not her Jack , she has a a strong personality not a sellout .
        What is she supposed to say, Sanders lost to Hillary. He made A fair decision
        Yea I like Dr. Jill but it is too late for that. Perhaps next time 2020.

    • Fancy Jack says:

      Jeff rhymes with Eff.

      Those orgs they propose are going to be eaten alive by the DNC and the Clinton war machine.

      • bebe says:

        Can’t stand Jeff the eff meself but what he said about his children if DT is president is something to think about, no ?

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